Universal Religious Zionism – Abstract

Universal Religious Zionism: Integration of Universal Values and Renewed Understanding of Messianic Process

We propose a renewed approach to the development of Religious Zionism and Modern Orthodoxy based on the teachings of Rav Kook and the revelation of those aspects of his philosophy that have not yet been realized. We believe that this program will serve as a preparation for the next stage of development of Judaism and the State of Israel.

(1) Central to our approach is Rav Kook’s vision of Judaism’s path of development as a synthesis of the ideals of the three ideological factions of the Jewish people – religious, Zionist-nationalist, and liberal universalist. The past century has witnessed the integration of religious and nationalist values, manifested in today’s Religious Zionism and largely shared by Modern Orthodoxy. The time has come to integrate the values of the third, universalist faction, commonly referred to as universal values – science, art, social development, environmental consciousness, and others – into Judaism. This integration will lead to the formation of a new movement that we call “Universal Religious Zionism” (Tzionut Datit Olamit in Rav Kook’s lexicon).

Our strategy for creating Universal Religious Zionism involves a religious (not just pragmatic) understanding of universal civilizational values, recognition of their Divine essence, separation of sparks authentic to Judaism from the shells of “isms,” and reintegration of the sparks into Judaism. This development will resolve the existing discord between the religious-national and universalist factions that divide Israeli society on cultural and identity levels. The success of the integration of national values into Judaism in the twentieth century, which largely eliminated the conflict between the Zionist and religious factions, gives us the confidence to begin the second stage of Rav Kook’s program for the development of Judaism.

(2) We build upon Rav Kook’s interpretation of Herzl’s secular Zionism as the beginning of the messianic process, Mashiach ben Yosef, akin to the symbolic King Saul of the modern era. While secular Zionism has triumphantly completed its mission and is ideologically winding down, no movement within Israeli society is poised to assume the mantle of Mashiach ben David, who, according to the two-stage model of the messianic process, is expected to succeed Mashiach ben Yosef. In light of this, we introduce a nuanced, three-stage model, incorporating an intermediate phase that bridges Saul (Mashiach ben Yosef) and Solomon (Mashiach ben David), termed the “David stage.” By this model, the modern State of Israel is in the midst of transitioning from the Saul stage to the David stage. We view Religious Zionists as embodying David, the “intermediate Mashiach.” This perspective provides a theological framework for interpreting the shift towards a more pronounced national religious identity and for understanding the role of Religious Zionism in today’s State of Israel. Additionally, this paradigm offers insight into the emerging Universal Religious Zionism’s role in the anticipated transition to Solomon (Mashiach ben David) in the future State of Israel.

(3) Following Rav Kook’s strategy of implementing practical policies for the present while laying the groundwork for the future, we a) support David – Religious Zionism – participating in the development of the State of Israel and promoting national religious values, and b) pave the way for Solomon – the emerging Universal Religious Zionism – by modernizing Orthodox Judaism through the integration of universal values within its framework.

We emphasize the importance of the mutually enriching influence of Religious Zionism, driven by national aspirations, and Modern Orthodoxy, which has significantly advanced in integrating universal values. Together, both movements will reach a new, universal level, becoming the intellectual and spiritual leaders of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.

For a comprehensive discussion of the concept of Universal Religious Zionism, refer to the following series of articles:

  1. THEOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS: Showing Gratitude to Saul, Supporting David, Paving the Way for Solomon – The Three-Stage Development of the State of Israel as a Messianic Process https://www.pinchaspolonsky.org/en/universal-religious-zionism/2/
  2. IDEOLOGY AND PRAXIS Universal Religious Zionism: https://www.pinchaspolonsky.org/en/universal-religious-zionism/3/
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